
If you live more than 3 km from the school


Municipality of Vila Real School Pass - Free pass

1. Fill out the "School Transport” form and deliver it to the Citizen Support Office at Vila Real City Hall along with a photo of the student with a passport
2. When the pass is issued, pick up the card at the school
3.Pass automatically charged every month

If you live less than 3 km from the school

Pass Pass 4_18 - Free pass or with 60% or 25% discount

1.Fill out the declaration "Pass 4_18
2.Stamp the declaration at the school office
3. Request the pass at the Bus Terminal
4.Pass charged at TUVR II sales points, with 60% or 25% discount
5. In applicable cases, you can request a refund of the amount paid from the Municipality of Vila Real, in accordance with CMVR regulations.

Planning your trips

You can plan your trips on Google Maps

You can check the planned Urban timetables here and in real time here.

Check the public transport network in Vila Real schools

Escola Morgado Mateus

Escola Diogo Cão

Escola São Pedro

Liceu Camilo Castelo Branco

For more information see:
Pass conditions 4_18
TUVR II tariffs
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