Rights and Obligations

Rights and Obligations
At Bus Stops
The passengers must know the line and route that best suits their needs and make a stop sign to the correct bus.
When a bus stop has different routes available, if the vehicle is placed behind another one, it should approach for passengers to get in.
Admission in the bus
It  will be refused admission in the bus to:
1º- Passengers considered drunk at the  time of the travel;
2º- Passengers who may carry a serious contaminating disease; 
3º- Passengers that by filthiness or costume may cause repulse or infect other passengers; 
4º- Passengers that carry big, dangerous, pestilent or harmful objects like loaded guns, excep if they are law agents;
5º- Passengers who carry animals, except blind passengers with guide dogs. 
Inside the bus 
 Transport tickets and tittles
1- Children up to four (4) years old will travel for free, if they do not take an empty seat;
2- The ticket provides the passenger with the right to a place, standing or sitting, always with safety and comfort;
3- Passengers who possess tittles of transportation should proceed their validation and ensure that the same was successfully conducted;
4- Tickets and prices of transportation are posted inside the bus;
5-Everytime a passenger uses a pre-bought tittle, like a travel card or a monthly card, the buying proof must be in the client possession. Otherwise the tittle may be considered invalid or null, reserving Urbanos de Vila Real the right to collect it without the privilege to make a complaint or get a reward;
6- The passenger should hand its tittle/card of transportation or the proof of purchase to the driver or someone from Urbanos de Vila Real whenever requested by them;
7- To ensure safety, the driver has a certain sum of money that do not allow him to make changes of amounts higher than five euros (5€). 
1- There are proper seats available for pregnant women, women who carry a child in their arms, for seniors and also for special needed people or sick passengers;
2- Any passenger may, however, take the seats referred in the previous paragraph with the condition of leaving them when a passenger who has any of the conditions mentioned above enters the bus;
3- Drivers are allowed to reverse the seating order when the rule mentioned before is disrespected;
4-  Passengers will not be required to leave the vehicle, while the bus is on service, and are free to use the immediate trip after paying a new ticket or making a new tittle/card validation.
 To leave the bus
Passengers should ring the bell while approaching the bus stop they want to leave so that the driver knows their intention.

Passengers should be sure they carry all their belongings with them before leaving the bus.

Passengers should wait the complete bus imobilization before getting out of the vehicle. 

In the exterior

 To all passengers: please do not throw your ticket or title to the ground. Use the appropriate places to do it.
What is forbidden to passengers
 a) Travel without a ticket or title and exceed the stop that the travel is valid for, without paying another ticket or do another validation of the title/card. This can lead to a fine that must be paid immediately, worth thirty euros (30,00€);
b) Refuse to present the ticket or title/card when required by drivers or inspection agents;
c) Enter or leave the bus out of the stops that are determined to do so;
d) Enter or leave the bus without using the doors thar are reserved for that specific purpose;
e) Enter the vehicle when it is full of capacity;
f) Open or keep windows opened when there are complaints from other customers;
g) Hang on any part of the bus;
h) Throw garbage or any other objects from the vehicle that may cause harm;  
i) Use audio devices or make noise that can disturb other passengers;
j) Begging;
k) Sell any kind of products;
l) Perform any kind of acts that might offend or disturb other passengers, as well as causing damage to the vehicle or objects that are being transported;
m) Refuse to identify themeselves when requested by drivers or inspection agents, after any of the obligations above are violated;
n) Smoke, eat or drink inside the bus.
Titles of transport
a) In the previous articles by referring to "ticket of transport", customers should know that a ticket of transport might only be a ticket but it can also be a title/card of transport;
B) Transport titles that use a card are chargeable with a deposit that will be refunded when:
b1) the title/card of transport is returned in both perfect conservation and working conditions;
b2) this refund has to be made together with the title/card of transport and the proof of its payment;
b3) the company Urbanos Vila Real has the right not to refund the client when the conditions mentioned above are not fulfilled;
c) If the card/title of transport validation is not successfully made, the company Urbanos Vila Real has the right to charge the passenger with a ticket and cannot be responsible for the malfunction of the title/card;
d) The company Urbanos Vila Real has the right to withhold a passanger title/card of transport whenever it seems appropriate and the customer should always carry a proof that he is the holder of thar title/card;
e) The title/card owner must report immediately to Urbanos Vila Real if the title/card is stolen or lost and the company will provide the security measures to avoid a possible fraudulent use;
f) When a title/card of transport is loaded, the ammount of the charge can not be transferred to another title/card;
g) To ensure safety, drivers cannot provide change for amounts of money above twenty euros (20,00€);
h) It is strictly forbidden to take pictures or capture sounds inside the vehicles  or use any kind of images or elements that are part of the bus decoration, without a written permission from Urbanos Vila Real. 
 Timetables are just informative and may be adjusted without previous notice.
You can access the Online Complaint Book website at the following link: http://www.livroreclamacoes.pt/ 
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